HAT CREEK, Calif. — E.T. might be phoning, but do we care enough to take the call? Operating on money and equipment scrounged from the public and from Silicon Valley millionaires, and on the stubborn strength of their own dreams, a band of astronomers recently restarted one of the iconic quests of modern science, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence — SETI, for short — which had been interrupted last year by a lack of financing. Early in December, a brace of 42 radio telescopes, known as the Allen Telescope Array, nestled here in the shadow of Lassen Peak, came to life and resumed hopping from star to star in the constellation Cygnus, listening for radio broadcasts from alien civilizations. The lines are now open, but with lingering financial problems, how long they will remain that way is anybody’s guess.
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SETI: da una stella all’altra, nella Costellazione del Cigno, cercando segnali di civiltà aliene.
Il SETI non si arrende, la ricerca di vita intelligente nello spazio continua nonostante la mancanza di fondi. Lo scorso dicembre è ripresa l’attività dell’Allen Telescope Array, che da una stella all’altra, nei pressi della costellazione del Cigno, ascolta eventuali segnali radio provenienti da civiltà aliene.
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