Monthly Archives: settembre 2012

There is enough power in Earth’s winds to be a primary source of near-zero-emission electric power – Il vento basta per tutta l’energia che serve al mondo!

Geophysical limits to global wind power There is enough power in Earth’s winds to be a primary source of near-zero-emission electric power as the global economy continues to grow through the twenty-first century. Historically, wind turbines are placed on Earth’s … Continue reading

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We’re made of star-stuff. We Are Star Dust. We are all Starseeds… – Noi siamo fatti di materia stellare. Noi siamo polvere di stelle. Noi siamo tutti “Starseeds”…

We are star dust, reaching out to the universe. The 15th Symphony of Science video featuring Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Richard Feynman and Lawrence Krauss. Il progetto di John D Boswell, “Symphony of Science”, divulga scienza e conoscenza attraverso la musica, … Continue reading

Posted in Carl Sagan, Music, Science, Space, Starseeds | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Another Earth (Movie Trailer) – Un’altra Terra (Trailer film in italiano)

Rhoda Williams, a bright young woman accepted into MIT’s astrophysics program, aspires to explore the cosmos. A brilliant composer, John Burroughs, has just reached the pinnacle of his profession and is about to have a second child with his loving … Continue reading

Posted in Music, News, Planet Earth | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments

NOAA: What happens at the sun doesn’t stay at the sun – NOAA: Cosa succede se il sole non sta dove deve stare?

Il NOAA rilascia un video nel quale spiega l’attività che concerne lo studio del cosiddetto “Space Weather”. La tecnologia segna il ritmo di ogni nostra singola giornata, dipendiamo dai satelliti e dal loro sistema di comunicazione, come mai prima nella … Continue reading

Posted in News, Planet Earth, Science, Space, Sun, Technology | Tagged , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

#ESA observatory breaks world quantum teleportation record – ESA: Nuovo record per il teletrasporto quantistico

Laser from Optical Ground Station on Tenerife – Credit: ESA An international research team using ESA’s Optical Ground Station in the Canary Islands has set a new distance world record in ‘quantum teleportation’ by reproducing the characteristics of a light … Continue reading

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Astonishing ‘UFO’ video showing 49 craft in perfect formation – Tecnologia (umana) computerizzata per un effetto “UFO” in formazione!

Quadrcopters turn into pixels at the voestalpine Klangwolke and form 3D-Modells in the sky. However, in reality this is one of the most impressive demonstrations of quadrocopters, tiny four bladed flying machines, flying in a ‘swarm’. A German art festival … Continue reading

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Entangled Eruption: sunspot AR1564 erupted on Saturday, Sept. 8th, producing an M1-class solar flare. Reazione a catena sul sole: la regione AR1564 ha prodotto un solar flare di classe M1

ENTANGLED ERUPTION: Interrupting days of quiet, sunspot AR1564 erupted on Saturday, Sept. 8th, producing an M1-class solar flare. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Obervatory (SDO) recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash. The movie shows more than just a single flare. This eruption was … Continue reading

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22 Sept. 2012 International Observe the Moon Night – 22 settembre 2012: “MOONWATCH PARTY” – LA NOTTE DELLA LUNA

The International Observe the Moon Night Team consists of scientists, educators, and Moon enthusiasts from government, non-profit organizations, and businesses throughout the United States and across the globe. We believe in the inspirational power of the Moon — a celestial … Continue reading

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PHL: A Hot Potential Habitable Exoplanet around Gliese 163 – Nuovo pianeta alieno potenzialmente abitabile intorno a Gliese 163

The detection of Earth-like worlds is pacing up A new superterran exoplanet (aka Super-Earth) was found in the stellar habitable zone of the red dwarf star Gliese 163 by the European HARPS team. The planet, Gliese 163c, has a minimum … Continue reading

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G2 (Moderate) geomagnetic storming is ongoing now – Moderata (G2) tempesta solare geomagnetica in atto

G2 (Moderate) geomagnetic storming is ongoing now as a result of the coronal mass ejection (CME) arrival associated with the August 31st filament eruption. Continued geomagnetic storming is expected in the near term as the CME continues to affect Earth. … Continue reading

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