Il nostro satellite è senz’altro spettacolare anche osservandolo ad occhio nudo. Attraverso un piccolo telescopio o un binocolo, la visione diventa addirittura eccezionale. Nella foto sopra ecco come appariva la Luna piena il 1° agosto scorso, attraverso il telescopio.
Harvest Moon tonight. Named during an era when farming was a cultural event. Today, might as well call it: Honey Boo Boo Moon
— Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) Settembre 29, 2012
Full Moon tonight. The storied Harvest Moon. Of the Sept & Oct full moons, it’s the one closer to the Autumn Equinox.
— Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) Settembre 29, 2012
The Earth’s satellite is a spectacular sight even with the naked eye. With a small telescope or pair of binoculars, the view is even more amazing. Dark, flat plains called maria, deep craters and bright rays of ejected material pepper the rugged surface.
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