Saturn’s Titan has been considered a “unique world in the solar system” since 1908 when, the Spanish astronomer, José Comas y Solá, discovered that it had an atmosphere, something non-existent on other moons. It seems perfectly appropriate that one of the prime candidates for life in our solar system, Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, should have surface lakes, lightning, shorelines, relatively thick nitrogen atmosphere -and seasons. And thanks to new Cassini data pointing to an ocean, it just become more so.
“Cassini’s detection of large tides on Titan leads to the almost inescapable conclusion that there is a hidden ocean at depth,” said Luciano Iess, the paper’s lead author and a Cassini team member at the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. “The search for water is an important goal in solar system exploration, and now we’ve spotted another place where it is abundant.”
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Titano, la più grande luna di Saturno nasconde sotto la sua superficie un oceano di acqua liquida.
C’é un oceano di acqua liquida sotto la superficie della più grande luna di Saturno, Titano. La scoperta, annunciata su Science, si deve a un gruppo di ricerca internazionale coordinato da Luciano Iess, dell’università La Sapienza di Roma. Allo studio hanno partecipato anche altri tre italiani: Marco Ducci e Paolo Racioppa, dell’università La Sapienza, e Paolo Tortora, dell’università di Bologna.
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