Squarcio coronale sul Sole – CORONAL HOLE: UV image taken on Jan. 13th

CORONAL HOLE: UV image taken on Jan. 13th

Il Solar Dynamics Observatory della NASA sta monitorando uno squarcio scuro rilevato nell’atmosfera solare: una fessura coronale, visibile nell’immagine del 13 gennaio 2012 come una macchia verticale più scura. Gli squarci coronali sono luoghi dove il campo magnetico del sole si apre e permette la fuoriuscita di vento solare. Questo foro è di circa 120.000 km di larghezza e più di un milione di km di lunghezza. Il vento solare raggiungerà la Terra il 16 gennaio o il 17, magari scatenando aurore ad alta latitudine.

CORONAL HOLE: NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring a dark gash in the sun’s atmosphere a coronal hole. It’s the dark vertical feature in this extreme UV image taken on Jan. 13th. Coronal holes are places where the sun’s magnetic field opens up and allows the solar wind to escape. This yawning hole is about 120,000 km wide and more than a million km long. Solar wind flowing from its UV-dark abyss will reach Earth on Jan. 16th or 17th, possibly sparking auroras for high-latitude sky watchers,


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2 Responses to Squarcio coronale sul Sole – CORONAL HOLE: UV image taken on Jan. 13th

  1. avatar DENEB Official © says:

    Current Space Weather Conditions
    Radio Blackouts: Past 24 hours = R1 – Current = R1 http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/

    R1 – Minor
    HF Radio: Weak or minor degradation of HF radio communication on sunlit side, occasional loss of radio contact.
    Navigation: Low-frequency navigation signals degraded for brief intervals.

    ‎2012-01-19 16:18
    Bright Active Complex near Mid-Disk
    NOAA Regions 1401 and 1402, positioned near the center of the disk, dominate the x-ray imagery today. Expect additional R1 (Minor) Radio Blackouts from flares, and given their location, an eruption of a CME in the near future would certainly have an impact on the earth’s magnetic field. Keep watch here through the weekend as conditions unfold.

  2. avatar DENEB Official © says:

    The CME is not heading toward Earth, at least not directly. It might deliver a glancing blow to Earth’s magnetic field on Jan. 18th.

    L’espulsione di massa coronale (CME) non si sta dirigendo verso la Terra, almeno non direttamente.
    Potrebbe sfiorare di striscio il nostro campo magnetico in data 18 gennaio 2012.

    Source/Fonte: http://www.spaceweather.com/