Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Claude Lacombe: Mr. Neary, what do you want?
Roy Neary: I just want to know that it’s really happening.

Roy Neary: [contemplating the lump shape] This means something. This is important.

Roy Neary: Just close your eyes and hold your breath and everything will turn real pretty…

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3 Responses to Close Encounters of the Third Kind

  1. avatar LaTea11 says:

    Sono d’accordo con te A., attualissimo e lontano da quella moda di fare apparire gli “altri” come orripilanti usurpatori.
    Quelli veri, staranno arrivando?

  2. avatar A. says:

    Meraviglioso e…attualissimo ♥

  3. avatar LaTea11 says:

    Capolavoro cinematografico e musicale. Anche il messaggio è un capolavoro!

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