Sounds of Space: “chorus” radio waves within Earth’s magnetosphere – Il suono della nostra magnetosfera: dallo spazio il cosiddetto “chorus”

Sounds of Space: "chorus" radio waves within Earth’s magnetosphere - Il suono della nostra magnetosfera: dallo spazio il cosiddetto "chorus"

Sounds of Space: New ‘Chorus’ Recording By RBSP’s EMFISIS Instrument

Audio of the phenomenon known as “chorus” radio waves within Earth’s magnetosphere that are audible to the human ear, as recorded on Sept. 5, 2012, by RBSP’s Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science (EMFISIS). Five six-second “events” are captured in this sample, and they are played end-to-end, one right after the other, without gaps. Credit: University of Iowa. Researchers from the Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science (EMFISIS) team at the University of Iowa have released a new recording of an intriguing and well-known phenomenon known as “chorus,” made on Sept. 5, 2012. The Waves tri-axial search coil magnetometer and receiver of EMFISIS captured several notable peak radio wave events in the magnetosphere that surrounds the Earth. The radio waves, which are at frequencies that are audible to the human ear, are emitted by the energetic particles in the Earth’s magnetosphere.

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Suoni dallo spazio: il cinguettio della magnetosfera by NASA RBSP

Le “voci” dell’aurora sono conosciute da decenni grazie alle testimonianze di coloro che vivono al Circolo Polare Artico. I cori aurorali si presentano come dei fruscii a tonalità crescente e a frequenze diverse e possono essere paragonati ad una sorta di cinguettio di uno stormo di uccelli. Analogamente, gli strumenti a bordo delle sonde Radiation Belt Storm (RBSP) il 5 settembre 2012 hanno registrato un fenomeno intrigante conosciuto come “coro”, onde radio a frequenze udibili dall’orecchio umano emesse dalle particelle energetiche della magnetosfera terrestre. Il file audio è composto da 5 eventi da 6 secondi ciascuno eseguiti in successione, senza interruzioni.

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3 Responses to Sounds of Space: “chorus” radio waves within Earth’s magnetosphere – Il suono della nostra magnetosfera: dallo spazio il cosiddetto “chorus”

  1. Pingback: Spazio: La Voce del Pianeta Terra – Space: The Voice of Planet Earth | DENEB Official ©

  2. avatar Sasha says:

    Hi Deneb! So happy you enjoyed the video and could find use for it here.. It does blend in so well..

    Have always loved all of your custom pics.. like the one above … ‘an energetic, vibrating planet’

    Am so glad I could get this to post this time.. Not that aware of how ”translate’ works with all, styles..


  3. avatar DENEB Official © says:

    Birds tweeting or even the music of dolphins and whales…

    Il cinguettio di uccelli, ma anche il canto di delfini e balene..

    (Thanks Sasha for the beautiful link!)

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