DNA & Water Memory – Il DNA e la memoria dell’acqua

DNA & Water Memory - Il DNA e la memoria dell'acqua

DNA & Water Memory: Comments on Montagnier Group’s Recent Findings

The recent findings of Montagnier’s group allow a more detailed formulation of the model and suggest a general mechanism for generalized transcription and translation processes based on the reconnection of magnetic flux tubes between the molecules in question. A new element is the proposed role of ordered water and hydrogen bonds in the formation of water memories. These representation would result from the dropping of the magnetic bodies of molecules as the hydrogen bonds connecting the molecule to water molecules of the ordered water layer around it-analogous to ice layer- are split during the mechanical agitation.

Source/Continue reading → dnadecipher.com

Il DNA e la memoria dell’acqua

Alcune sequenze di Dna possono indurre segnali elettromagnetici di bassa frequenza in soluzioni acquose altamente diluite, le quali mantengono poi “memoria” delle caratteristiche del Dna stesso: è quanto emerge da due studi paralleli, uno francese coordinato dal premio Nobel per la medicina Luc Montagnier, e uno italiano guidato dal fisico Emilio Del Giudice dell’International Institute for Biophotonics di Neuss (Germania), che hanno dato vita a una pubblicazione sul Journal of Physics.

Fonte/Leggi tutto → ilsole24ore.com

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